Understanding how to take care of your oral hygiene may seem straight forward. We are trained at a young age to maintain our oral health by brushing our teeth, day and night, but does that mean we are doing it properly? Here is a step by step process of what we all should be doing to take care of our health.
- Floss
- Flossing is so important and necessary. It is commonly not in the daily routine of many, but should be! Flossing removes any of the food debris and plaque between the teeth – where a toothbrush cannot reach. Flossing is a habit everyone should get into, because it helps prevent tooth decay and removes any bad bacteria from the soft tissue between the teeth.
- Brush
- Brushing is essential. Brushing your teeth day and night is important because this is when bacteria flourishes. Bacteria tend to grow at night and during the day, after you’ve had meals. Brushing your teeth will ensure all of the plaque, bacteria, and what could be tartar is removed, keeping your teeth and gums healthy.
- The best way to brush is to go in circular motions, not pushing too hard on the teeth and soft tissue. It is important to reach the toothbrush into every crevice of the mouth to ensure all of your teeth are hit, and then to brush the tongue.
- Rinse
- Rinsing out the mouth is always a good idea. Of course, it is important to rinse your mouth post brushing of the teeth, but during the day after meals is ideal, as well. If you rinse your mouth after meals, you are getting rid of some of the food particles left in the mouth, which will reduce bacteria build up.
- If your rinse your mouth with mouthwash, recommended by your dentist, you will kill any unwanted bacteria in the mouth before bed to make the oral cavity healthier.
Taking care of your oral health will ensure your overall health stays maintained. Focusing on the aforementioned is imperative to have in your routine, because this is the most optimal way to keep the oral cavity clean from bacteria and settling plaque and food debris. Contact your dentist if you would like a more detailed description on how to properly care for your teeth.