Emergency Dental Care: Getting Dental Treatment During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Dental patient in need of emergency dentistry

You probably already know it. That the dull ache underneath that tooth won’t subside on its own. That chipped tooth will only get worse if it continues to go untreated. That uncomfortable sensitivity to hot or cold food or drink will only increase in severity. Yet, as the world hunkers down to wait out the […]

Importance of Enamel

dental enamel

If you flip on a TV, every third or so commercial is about dental hygiene and overall tooth care. Enamel is a major thing discussed in these commercials, and that is because of how important it is. So many toothpaste companies exclaim they’re the best in protecting your teeth’s enamel, and their toothbrushes are just […]

Proper Oral Hygiene

oral hygiene

Understanding how to take care of your oral hygiene may seem straight forward. We are trained at a young age to maintain our oral health by brushing our teeth, day and night, but does that mean we are doing it properly? Here is a step by step process of what we all should be doing […]